Bunda 17 yang Exist

Bunda 17 yang Exist

Love this Moment

Love this Moment

Dear Indra,  thank you for your invitation, we will always keep n contact, our friendship will be forever. Find something which will b...
Waiting ..😱😱

Waiting ..😱😱

Salah juga sh, meeting jam 11, ta telat sampai jam 11.30, dah bilang juga, tapi memang bentrok jam makan siang, so kebagian nunggu, sa...
Black Cat

Black Cat

Lama tak jumpa dengan sohib yang sayu ini, call her and asked her yo join last thursday. Maksud hati maunya sedikit hang out melenyapk...
Lobby Wisma BNI 1946 !!

Lobby Wisma BNI 1946 !!

Baru pertama kali iseng-iseng foto di Lobby Wisma BNI 1946, dengan fotografer handal seperti biasa by "Anom", bakat terpenda...
Love to Read it ..

Love to Read it ..

Hampir dua bulan aku tunggu buku ini,  KAPITA SELEKTA NOTARIS - PPAT  by Dr. Habib Adjie, SH. Mhum.  tebel pula ni buku, cukup b...
Date in Wedding Invitation

Date in Wedding Invitation

Pesannya cuma satu : Bunda mesti datang ke undangan, biar ga kehilangan fans... wkwkkw.  Bisa aja, abelita. So, memang rencana untuk h...
Black n White 2Day

Black n White 2Day

Theres's no wonder when I should go, attned my app, and come too early, and I will be waiting with My Apple😀😀 Hv a chance to take ...
Be Liked "Black and White" Season !!

Be Liked "Black and White" Season !!



no choose that i need something's different. something's better, changing. make a good decision that's not coincidence, mean, ...