Before Chic's Performance

Before Chic's Performance

Date With Ms Daning

Date With Ms Daning

Agenda di sela-sela Pelatihan Calon Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah 2012,  sempet-sempetin ngedate ama Daning, and then run away... Nice to...
Between Green 2012

Between Green 2012

Photo Session, Mazda, @Istana Plaza, Bandung #Green#Block Another Corner #Shadows
You still have that skill

You still have that skill

@Marina Bilyard Kelapa Gading Jakarta
Abis Nyalon Ni,,

Abis Nyalon Ni,,

@Istana Plaza, Ngabuburit
Jalan-jalan Yuks

Jalan-jalan Yuks

@Istana Plaza
Sempetin Foto

Sempetin Foto

Sempetin Foto Ya ....
Adi n Adi

Adi n Adi

@Agus Salim 117 Senior n Junior Aamin Yra
Adinandra's Birthday, 15 Years Old

Adinandra's Birthday, 15 Years Old

Make a Wish Wish You All the Best Met Ultah sayang, Ultah pertama di SMA Dapet saingan pertama, hadeh #with Isty ...
Kota Tua

Kota Tua

Disela pemotretan Abel, @Kota Tua Jakarta
Panen Perdana Banyuresmi, GArut

Panen Perdana Banyuresmi, GArut

Amara's Birthday, 10 Years Old

Amara's Birthday, 10 Years Old

You are always My Princess @Dapur Sunda, Kelapa Gading  With Love, I always pray for you Kue pertama buat Bunda,...
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Like It

Bunda suka tawanya ...